copyright(c) 2019 Daneille Gray Snowden

My family and I have now lived in Mozambique, Africa for 3 1/2 months. We moved here from the United States of America. I carefully wrote this out, instead of saying USA...because I miss it. 
Yep, I said it...I miss my beautiful country and speaking ENGLISH fluently, having most everyone I talked to, to understand me. It was WONDERFUL...oh I crave it like craving ice cream on a hot summer day.
Did God call me here? Yep! 
Do I want to be here? Yep!
Do I want to quit, sometimes -YES!
My little ole self wants to hang it up. There's more to learning a new language than just workbooks, and writing stuff down.
Oh goodness, it's the day in and day out chopping out  conversations  with others...oh did I say CONVERSATION? 
Daily, I literally feel the synapsis in my brain clicking everywhere. Then sometimes, there is a power surge (about like there are in Mozambique quite frequently); and little smoke signals can be seen on top of my head as my brain has burned out.
Fala Devagar….SPEAK SLOWLY!
Words I have spoken and spoken and spoken over again. 
Speaking is one thing, listening is another. 
Some talk faster, have different accents and even slangs. Oh my that point, finding a quiet little corner is quite sufficient for me. 
So, this BLOG is going to be my little BURST or OUTBURST I will share as I (& my family) learn a new language and culture.
I have a Bible study blog, home school blog, prayer blog and a missions blog.
I felt like I wanted to take you along with me as I learn Portuguese and a unique 'warm-culture' in the Mozambican people.  This will be me - in RAW FORMAT... sharing the grunts, groans, moans and hoorays as we learn.
It's been a few months since we began; I can honestly say, it's ok...I feel as if I have taken little miniature baby steps...thus we are at the beginning.

My husband and I are college graduates, have 30 years in the ministry, had our own business and now feel like preschoolers; learning how to read again. Plus, not being able to do what we know how to do! I.E. preaching, teaching, performing Bible studies, etc... it's QUITE HUMBLING to say the least.
Our daughters who are 16 and 20 have been speeding past us quickly. They have now become our translators. 
We have been graduated to the Past Tense verbs recently!
What? Yep, past tense...DUDE - I don't have my present tense memorized. 
We shall see what tomorrow holds. 
We learned fui, estive, tive, fomos, etc.
Today, after trying to talk with a team mate who only speaks Portuguese, my empragada, and being told to sit and watch others lead someone in a Bible study. Ugh! 
Can I say this without being judged? 
THIS IS HARD. But, God is taking me through.
Pray for Peace of Mind...His Peace that passes all understanding.
So, I shall do this. 
Boa Noite Meus Amigos!
Deus abençoe,


  1. I can imagine how hard this is for you, learning a new language at your age. Keep pressing on. It takes more than a couple months to learn. You will get there.

  2. We are having some of the same struggles with language in Haiti. Sure is hard to learn a new language at our age. Praying for strength for you. Even with our difficulties we don't question that we are where God called us to be. Keep your eye on Him and he will continue to lead and comfort you.


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