copyright(c) 2019 Daneille Gray Snowden

Well, I felt more hopeful attending a large gathering of ladies event Saturday. It's predominantly Changon speaking. Yet, they mostly can speak Portuguese too.

I was able to do very basic greetings and speak (Tarzan) slow and one word at a time.

Yet, it came time to speak in front..of which I have spoke/preached/taught most of my life...

I began to share; I had things in my head that did not come out smoothly WHATSOEVER ...I stumbled. After me, my girls shared talking like they have been here for years.

I normally can laugh and accept it. But, no it hurt deeply. I have so much to much. And I cannot express it.

We sat there for over 4 hours basically without a translator...after the first hour of trying to hear the words we knew, as we also listened to Chagana too...the brain began to spin. Then, it shut down. Yep, it does. I was lectured that I cannot let that happen, that we can do all things through Christ.
God knows how much I believe that.
But, even though this individual meant well; his first language is not English for the first 53 years of his life. 

I thank the Lord He understands. He knows our framework.
I am also so grateful for the patience of my Mozambican friends who want me to learn and allow me to stumble. 
You are awesome.
After the song; here we are introducing ourselves. 
