Daneille Gray Snowden (copyright) 2021


Bonjour, comment vas-tu? Nous allons bien, gloire à Dieu ! 

Yes, we have about turned from Portuguese to French! We have changed countries we are working in and of course that meant the language.

I still shake my head in amazement, that in our 50's we have been learning two different languages, in addition a bit of the 'mother-tongue' of the different areas we go.

This second time around has been so much easier! That is a true 'God-thing' for sure!

Teaching the brain to invert the verbs, remember the feminine and masculine, plus putting it into practice truly helps. 

I  believe we have been blessed with our last Portuguese teacher that taught us methods that work with our learning style. 

We have been using the Duolingo App, then also the podcast French With Alexa (who is great) and a few other podcasts on occasion.

Sticking with it everyday has made a big difference for me too. When we were in the DRC, I was able to do beginning conversation with people. Some thought I spoke it fluently, I knew I didn't. Others were so graceful speaking slowly to help me understand. 

I had so much peace, and forgiveness with myself when I couldn't remember what to say or didn't understand certain words.

My cheer today is; don't give up. Even if it's baby steps like mine, at least you are moving forward. 
